This is one of the benches at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, NY. The Botanical Garden makes a big deal of Christmas with all kinds of wonderful things for kids and adults. They decorate all the benches in the Garden with big RED bows, greenery and pine cones.

On that same day the Garden was showing Henry Moore sculptures outdoors placing them strategically around the acreage. The sculpture above is called HILL ARCHES 1973. It is made of bronze and has the typical green patina. I experimented with a sepia tone and then bronzed it in photobucket. I then used a neon yellow-orange color and faded it til the pale green color showed which reminded me of the patina. I don't know if Mr. Moore would like it but I do. :)
I wonder what you think of the effect?
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Next Thursday is Christmas Day as well as Sepia Scenes Day. I will be posting that day wishing you all a very happy holiday.
On that same day the Garden was showing Henry Moore sculptures outdoors placing them strategically around the acreage. The sculpture above is called HILL ARCHES 1973. It is made of bronze and has the typical green patina. I experimented with a sepia tone and then bronzed it in photobucket. I then used a neon yellow-orange color and faded it til the pale green color showed which reminded me of the patina. I don't know if Mr. Moore would like it but I do. :)
I wonder what you think of the effect?
Please sign with Mr. Linky and leave a comment. I'd really love that.
Next Thursday is Christmas Day as well as Sepia Scenes Day. I will be posting that day wishing you all a very happy holiday.
I LOVE the benches! Just a wonderful shot!
Oh, I do love what you did to the sculpure, also.
I like the effect - it actually looks like gold coins are strewn about!
The benches work for me -- big time... the sculpture takes some getting used to. (But again, that's just me.) It almost looks like infrared only in bronze. (Infrabronze?) It's a neat effect though.
I still haven't figured out how you do sepia with colourful accents. Very nice, Mary!
Wow these were great...I recognized that garden in Great posts and I really like the sepia touch!
Outstanding benches Mary. One of my favorite subjects and a splash of color.
Lovely!!! Especially the bench with the red bows!! You are so good at this!! I haven't had time yet to figure it out! Maybe someday!!
Very nice festive benches :)
You're great in playing around with PS..lovely edits all the time.
Happy Sepia Scenes!
Nice photos! You can also invest in smaller Moore sculptures. Make sure to get one that is signed and authenticated.
Thanks for this post!
Hi Mary,
I do love the benches and your red bows. This week I experimented and used a touch of color.
The sculpture effect I'm not sure of yet. It may grow on me. :)The building in the background though I like.
The benches with the red look amazing
i love the benches accented with red bows. good job!
Beautiful sepia Mary. love both the bench and the sculpture.
The benches look so romantically beautiful! And very creative treatment of Moore's work!
I love the selective color on the benches, it really makes those red bows festive, and the treatment for the sculptures is very cool. Sort of artsy/trippy. I like it.
Oh, I forgot this week!
They are both lovely shots. Such an unusual effect on the second one. It makes me think of aged metal somehow.
Beautiful shot - and editing - on the benches.
The sculpture looks inviting, too. Hopefully I will find time to visit the Botanical Garden when I will be in NY (anytime soon).
Have a great day!
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