Welcome everyone to Sepia Scenes for Thursday, April 30th.
You of course can post your photos on Wednesday, April 29th, at 4:00 PM EST and then any time after that.
My photo is of a Presbyterian Korean Church in Queens, N.Y. with a whole series of ornamental pear trees in full bloom outside.
I think you will notice that the sepia color of my badge and the sepia color of my post for this week are different. You can accomplish any particular tone of sepia by using the Channel Mixer in Adobe Photoshop or other photo-editing software. In channel Mixer you desaturate the photo, i.e. make it black & white.
Then use Color Picker on a new layer and plug in these numbers for Red = 141; Green = 83; and Blue = 3
A very strong sepia (lots of red and yellow) will cover your entire photo. On the Layer palette click the drop down menu and click Soft Light and modify Opacity to 65% or even lower if you like my sepia tone.
My color tends toward a sepia/gray tone. The badge above has more red in it.

Please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment. Visit your fellow participants too. Thanks a lot!
**I have a note in to Mr. Linky asking why those who sign in here or at Sepia Scenes are getting double links... Don't worry I hope it will be fixed soon.It has been fixed. But I lost all the linkies here. Don't worry I have your comments. Will you please look at the comments to visit the early posters? Thanks everybody!