Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sepia Scenes #6


This is a photo from many years back, the 1990s. A robin laid these eggs in a nest she built on my backyard fence. I scanned the color picture and used Photobucket Online to get the sepia effect. The in Adobe Photoshop I colorized one of the eggs blue.

I want to wish everyone


Please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment if you can.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Proximity award

“This blog invests and believes in ‘proximity’ [meaning that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy].”

Jan of The Prytz Family gave me this award today. Here's what she says about it: "The award is not only beautiful but so is the sentiment behind it. We share our thoughts, our families, our hopes and our dreams.

Thank you so much Jan, we DO have a lot in common besides loving to post photos. It's a pleasure to have gotten to know you! You are a dear friend.

I'd like to pass this award on to every one who posts to Sepia Scenes. In a few weeks I've come to enjoy posting my photos in sepia and describing how I've done it. I get the impression that a lot of you appreciate my doing this. Thank you all for participating.

Feel free to take the award and post it to your sidebar. Just make sure you link back to me here at Sepia Scenes and to Jan at The Prytz Family.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sepia Scenes #5


The bench


The broken sundial

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'”

~Robert Browning~

Share our Sepia Scenes #5 if you like. We welcome all who would like to participate.

All we ask is to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment.

Feel free to be creative!

How to create the effect on The Bench:

In Adobe Photoshop, first make sure the 'Styles and Effects' panel is visible. If it is not, go to 'Window - Styles and Effects'
to show it. It may be a minimized panel. If so, click on the white triangle to show it.

In the 'Styles and Effects' panel, select 'Layer Styles' in the left-hand drop-down box, and 'Photographic Effects' in the right-hand drop-down box.

Now all you need to do is select the layer which contains the image you want to Sepia tone, and then click the 'Sepia Tone' layer style. The image should turn brown, as if it was a Sepia photograph.

Layer styles can only be applied to layers, and sometimes you will have a document where the only layer is named 'Background' and is not strictly a layer. If this is the case, Photoshop will display a message box saying "Styles can only be applied to layers. Do you want to make this background a layer?". Click 'Ok', then name the layer, and click 'Ok' again to apply the Sepia effect.

How to create the effect on The Broken Sundial:

In Photobucket online apply the Bronzing Effect and fade the effect. Apply the Sepia effect and fade it.



There was originally trouble with Mr. Linky this week and then, it seemed, things were all right. But, no, Mr. Linky put up all the signers from my Ruby Tuesday meme under Sepia Scenes. I'm SO sorry, Annie, and others who had trouble finding Sepia Scenes postings. Thanks Annie for telling me about the problem. Let's hope this week will be better... :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sepia Scenes #4

Hi Everyone today is the 4th post of our Sepia Scenes meme!
Align Center


I wanted to render this little yellow flower of the clover family in sepia today.

First I chose to get rid of all the color information using Adobe Photo Shop 7. Then in Photobucket online I used the Old Photo filter and then the Bronzing effect. I then used the slider to Fade the effect.

I hope you like it!

Please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment after you've posted your Sepia Scenes on your blog.

Don't forget to visit your fellow participants.

Remember you can post as early as Wednesday at 5:00 PM EST


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sepia Scenes #3

I thought I'd try a SEPIA portrait today. I cropped the photo very close and then I uploaded it to Photobucket and used the bronze effect. I then moved the FADE slider to the left to lessen the effect quite a bit. I then chose to frame the photo with a black halo. I faded the halo as well.


I think many of you may know that this is my dear grand-nephew. A sweetie-pie, if I say so myself!

Why don't you try a portrait next week. You can take one of your own or find one in your archives.

And I'd love to hear HOW you applied SEPIA to your photo.

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment! Try to visit as many of our participants as possible.
